Planks in Paradise

Aside from finishing my unfinished works specified in the last post (on the foot of the lonely sock already), while here in Paradise, I resolved to stay on the diet I started in early January, and so far i have, and exersize significantly every day (two minute plank-yeah!!), and so far I have. Two lbs down…so I think it is working, and I will do everything in my power to keep at it.

The weather is beginning to be awful at home, which makes me happier still I am here, but worried about family and friends back home.

January 2015

I am the world’s worst blogger. It’s been months since I last posted anything. As we get ready for our annual trek to Hawaii for the month of February, I’ll share what I’ve knitted since my last post about knitting which looks like it was never in 2014.

2014: Notoriously unfinished projects- plan to complete in 2015.

Pisum Socks-suffering from second sock syndrome.


Derica Kane Sweater– just waiting for the right moment to finish!
IMG_1097Knits frogged in 2014

August 2014; Babbling

Just hated the color as it was being knit.

Knits finished in 2014:

Januart 2014: Geology Shawl

Gifted to Adeliya for ChristmasIMG_0894

Piper’s Journey started

February 2014: Shaelyn ShawlIMG_1516 March 2014: Dendrology Shawl


April 2014: Red Rock Canyon  IMG_1169

May 2104: Antler Cardigans

For the twinsIMG_1588

June – August 2014: Turmeric Socks

Gifted to my sister for ChristmasIMG_1357IMG_1355

July 2014: Falling Water Scarf (started in 2009)IMG_1625

August 2014: Artesian Shawl started – hope to finish in early 2015-it’s a lot bigger now. Just one more repeat and I will be done.IMG_0967

September 2014:Nothing 😦

November 2014: Piper’s JourneyIMG_1317

December 2014: Christmas Hats:

Hannie Hat for MeadowIMG_1348IMG_1352

Cable Bunny Hat for MurphyIMG_1370IMG_1372

Caramel Brulee (2)

Red Caramel Brulee for VienIMG_1413IMG_1410

Grey Caramel Brulee for Gerry– he loves the pom-pomIMG_1417IMG_1416

Traveling Cable Hat for DannyIMG_1387IMG_1385IMG_1390